Club Officers & Boards
The Woman’s Club of Gadsden accepts application for membership from other members.
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Board Of Trustees
ONE YEAR: Stephanie Birchmore, Martha Elrod, Barbara Pavey, Amber Phillips TWO YEARS: Joy Chaffin, Tammy Couch, Claudia Jermyn, Gail Spotnitz THREE YEARS: Kay Smith-Foster, Rebecca Moon, Nanda Patel, Marie Whitaker
2021 Officers
Dixie Minatra
Kay King
First Vice-President
Sheree Martin
Second Vice-President
Carol Carlisle
Recording Secretary
Debbie Leach
Corresponding Secretary
Jean Pettis
Joy Chaffin
Assistant Treasurer
Marsha Willis
Marie Luttrell
Marie Curie
“We must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this thing, whatever cost, must be attained.”
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